Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Perfect World, Economic Inequality - 1337 Words
In a perfect world, economic inequality would be nonexistent. There would be no disparities among the races, nor would there separate laws for certain classes of people. The words â€Å"all men are created equal†would truly have meaning and its applicability could not be tampered with or deviated from based on a person’s zip code. If within this perfect world crime did exist, the ramifications of criminal acts would be blind to race, wealth, or family name. Unfortunately, the illustration of a perfect world is far from it, it’s nonexistent. The world we live in today is full of disparities. There are special rules and special laws for certain people especially when it comes to crime and punishment. Everyone is not created equal. Society looks up to the wealthy and frown upon the weak and the poor, those who have little to no education and whose income is low or below the poverty level. Clarence Darrow wrote (1902) â€Å"The penal code is made and enfor ced by the ruling class, not upon themselves, but to keep the weak at the bottom of the social scale†(Dorpat, 2007). This paper explores the causes of crime and crime rates among the nation’s rich and poor. A comparison of criminal activity between the two classes is made to determine whether the legal system favors one over the other based on how the cases are handled. Lastly, a look into criminal theories that suggests certain environmental factors are conducive to and the reason for criminal behavior. WhatShow MoreRelatedThroughout History, Economists And Philosophers Have Theorized1533 Words  | 7 Pagesargue that capitalism has been the most successful economic system in history. While this may be true, pure capitalism has fundamental flaws that lead to a variety of social issues. As society continues to evolve, it is imperative to improve our economic philosophy to defend against the elimination of competition and ensure equal opportunity for all. If the weaknesses of modern capitalism are addressed, it could propel society to a new level of economic prosperity. While the original objective ofRead MoreCandide in El Dorado1283 Words  | 6 PagesThe Meaning of El Dorado and its contrast with the rest of the world: El Dorado appears to be the perfect utopia, for others it represents an unrealistic place to live. For Voltaire this world meant his entire desire and dream about the perfect society. Many critics note that El Dorado is only a huge extravaganza because it consisted of contradictory statements. The meaning of El Dorado is a vision of the perfect society and represents a false paradise impossible to attain or approach by the destructiveRead MorePoverty And Poverty1487 Words  | 6 PagesGlobally, poverty is a prevailing social and economic concern. 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However, critics of economic globalizationRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between China And Australia1236 Words  | 5 Pagesunemployment, inequality, standard of living, environmental issues and the roles the different governments have in influencing and modifying these factors of the economy. Size of Economy The GDP is the total market value of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. China’s GDP is significantly larger than Australia’s, measuring 9.24 trillion $USD as of 2013, while Australia’s GDP was 1.56 trillion $USD the same year. Before the change to a socialist market, the economic policy at theRead MoreDomestic Inequalities in The USA and Denmark Essay1489 Words  | 6 Pagespolicy approaches to addressing domestic inequality. Compare and contrast two different countries and evaluate the effectiveness of their key policy measures in addressing inequality. It is a commonly accepted that inequality is increasing throughout the globe, with startling statistics such as the recent Oxfam report indicating that the richest 85 people in the world own more wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion people(Oxfam Australia Media, 2014). Inequality is thought of as disparities or gaps, such
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Decision Making Across the Organization - 741 Words
Decision Making Across the Organization Ramonica George ACC/561 January 14, 2014 Grace Kalil Decision Making Across the Organization When it comes to decision making across the organization, managers must have an understanding of cost effectiveness, selling, pricing, and budgeting. The organization must be able to accurately budget for variable cost as well as fixed cost while maintaining an increase in profit and revenue. In this paper, I will discuss the different view-points of decision making across the organization. I believe that when looking at the behavior of analysis cost it allows me to think of it in the prospect of how my uncle explains the real estate business. This is the study of how the specific cost of an†¦show more content†¦In addition, each business function has its own needs for accounting knowledge, not all of them being of the same nature but all been important to the success of the organization. Human resources need accounting skills to calculate payroll or the cost of benefits. Operations needs accounting to optimize the ordering of inventories, schedules for production, forecast manpower needs, etc. Marketing needs accounting to estimate market size, market share, profit/loss, break-even points, and calculate profitable price points based on variable and fixed costs. Finance needs accounting to calculate cost of capital, interest payments and made decisions on capital investment. Today Company’s like Target and Wal-Mart management has a variety of responsibility; one understanding is cost effectiveness within the company cost-volume-profit is important to the company and management a critical factor that should not be miss understood. Management decision is important in selling, pricing, and determining product mix for example, cost-volume-profit consists of components (below) at different activity levels. Activity level are useful because management can analyze how the behavior levels changes the volume with changes in cost for example, variable cost in total activity will become proportionally with change. If a product variable level increase by 1 0% the cost will also increase by 10% and the same isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Week 5 Decision Making Across the Organization621 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿ Decision Making Across the Organization ACC561 Decision Making Across the Organization The Martinez Company has decided to introduce a new product and would like to evaluate the costs of manufacturing through capital intensive and labor intensive manufacturing methods to determine which of the two methods to employ. The values to be used in the evaluation for capital intensive manufacturing are direct materials at $5 per unit, direct labor at $6 per unit, a variable overhead ofRead MoreStakeholder Salience1076 Words  | 5 PagesORG-807 Stakeholders Role in Organizations December 24, 2014 Stakeholder Salience Introduction Developing a relationship between and across organizations and its stakeholders can be counterproductive and interdependent to decision making. Globalization effects stakeholder’s coalition building and salience in organizations. It is known as an ongoing process or interrelated events of increasing movement of services, goods, and capital across national borders (Lawrence Read MoreManaging Across Culture1434 Words  | 6 PagesManaging across culture Introduction Globalization makes the world become to be a big family. More and more international company appears in the social. While in the same times, people from different countries or different culture start to work together. How to make the staffs from different culture to work together become a core problem facing by the company. By facing the conflict and difference between different culture, to find out a way to effectively manage across culture become more helpfulRead MoreTechnology-Related Decision Making in Organizations1472 Words  | 6 PagesAssessing Technology-Related Decisions Making In Organizations: Staying Competitive In the Turbulent Enterprise Software Industry Introduction The greater the risk, uncertainty and disruptive innovations in a given industry, the more critically important it is for governance frameworks to guide Information Technology (IT) investments and initiatives. Governance transcends the tactical and brings the strategic IT requirements to a high priority in any organizational structure, concentrating onRead MoreDELEGATION AND DECENTRALIZATION1035 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Advantages and Disadvantages of Decentralization In an organization, centralized way of making a decision entails less autonomy to everyone except the central leadership. In contrast, decentralization involves delegation of responsibility and the associated decision-making powers across various levels in the organization. Let us discover the pros and cons of this concept. A central command structure derives from an autocratic style of management. Autocracy is not necessarily an intention and couldRead MoreOrganizational Structure And Culture At Lone Tree Convalescent Hospital1054 Words  | 5 Pagesauthority and description of the arrangement of employees within an organization (Sullivan Decker, 2009). 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The hospitals information system is integrated to offer versatility and efficientRead MoreMrs. Fields’ Cookies – Case Analysis Essay1644 Words  | 7 Pagescompany that has grown from just one small store to a huge organization with over 500 stores in 25 United States, and five countries on four continents. The company was created by Debbi Fields who opened her first store in Palo Alto, CA and grew her business with her husband Randy along her side. In this paper I will evaluate the development of the company as well as the early information systems that were used in the management of t he organization. As the time progressed and company grew the founderRead MoreThe Success of Participative Management Essay1031 Words  | 5 PagesParticipative management is a management practice where employees are involved in making decisions that directly affect how they perform their jobs. It is a management practice that originated from Western countries but it is now globally accepted and practiced. Participative management is more like industrial democracy because workers are incorporated in the decision making process in the organization (Business Dictionary, 2014). According to Aswathappa, (2005) a number of successful companies haveRead MoreAnalysis Of P G Us910 Words  | 4 PagesFaster decision making on the products o Decision making can be effectively done by Brand managers instead of escalating it to executives o Product development life cycle can be improved o Faster product modifications based on the customer response o Performance of each divisional products are can be evaluated easily based on the income statements. As each product division is independent, we can easily close a division which is not profitable without any impact on the entire organization. †¢ Disadvantages
Monday, December 9, 2019
Database and Nouns Major Topics free essay sample
In Grandfield College, the Software-Tracking database will be used to help in managing the school’s software licensing. The software will be watched for lifecycle and version corrections as well as keeping track of the number of users accessing the software under the constraints of the license agreement. The faculty and staff computers will be followed for which version and licensed copy of software is presently running on each system. Objectives: 1. Have a better system by allowing employees to see the shared calendars and student’s grades. Advance the tracking of Software Licensing and the Lifecycle of programs. Preliminary timeline: 1. Gathering Data: Meet with School Board and those involved to discuss the needs and wants for a database. 2. Analyzing Data: The information gathered from the meeting will be analyzed and form a rough draft of the database model. 3. Normalization: The database model will be completed and all last minute changes adjusted and any lasting questions answered. We will write a custom essay sample on Database and Nouns Major Topics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4. Building the physical database: The database model will be constructed into the actual database program. Lab 1. 4 – Challenge Activity 1. There could be more than one Joe Smith entered into the database and info between the two could be confused. Misspelling could occur. 2. The relational database could assign a unique identifier to an entry and any changes to customer info could be managed in one area. 3. The biggest drawback is the chance of a misspelling after the fifth entry (for example) creating a whole new customer data file for an existing entity. 4. I would create at least three tables one for customer info, one for customer payments, and one that shows all payment info.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Phan tich moi trng vi mo Essays - DraftVwin,
Phan tich moi trng vi mo S dj tng quat moi trng vi mo Mo hinh nm lc lng cnh tranh (Michael E.Porter ) - Co nm lc lng djnh hng cnh tranh trong phm vi nganh: + Nguy c nhp cuc ca cac dji th cnh tranh tim tang; + Mc dj cnh tranh gia cac cong ty hin co trong nganh; + Sc mnh thng lng ca ngi mua; + Sc mnh thng lng ca ngi ban; + Dje da ca cac sn phm thay th. Dji th cnh tranh hin ti trong nganh Khai nim : Dji th cnh tranh la nhng t chc hay ca nhan co kh nng tha man nhu cu cac khach hang mc tieu ca doanh nghip bng cung mt loi sn phm hoc nhng sn phm co kh nng thay th nhng sn phm ca doanh nghip. Phan loi dji th cnh tranh Dji th cnh tranh hin ti trong nghanh dj i la cac doanh nghip dja va djang hot djng trong nganh , co nh hng mnh djn tinh hinh hot djng kinh doanh ca doanh nghip. Vi d : nu bn la ngi ban cafe, djo s la nhng ngi ban cafe trong cung khu vc. Nu bn la mt ca hang may vi tinh, djo s la nhng ca hang may vi tinh cung loi. S cnh tranh trong nganh ph thuc va cac yu t: quy mo th trng, s lng cac doanh nghip tham gia, mc dj tng trng ca nganh.Doanh nghip cn phi to ra nhng li th cnh tranh rieng mi co th cnh tranh co hiu qu va to djc v th tring thng trng. Nha qun tr cn phi co s phan tich djanh gia vi tng dji th cnh tranh c th, nhng chin lc dai hn ma h hng ti, djim mnh djim yu ca dji th; dji tng khac hanh ma h hng djn dj co dji sach phu hp. S tr dja Cac doanh nghip khi tham nhp mt nganh cn phi lng trc cac hanh djng phn ng ca cac doanh nghip trong nganh. D djoan v mt s tr dja nhanh chong va manh lit ca cac dji th hin co th lam nht chi ca cac dji th mun tham nhp nganh. S tr dja manh lit khi cac doanh nghip hin co trong nganh co d phn djang k trong nganh, (vi d, no co cac tai sn c djnh vi it kh nng chuyn dji), khi chung co ngun lc djang k hay khi nganh tng trng chm. . Rao cn nhp nganh va s cnh tranh Khai nim : Rao cn gia nhp nganh la nhng yu t ngn chn nguy c cac doanh nghip mi gia nhp nganh. Nhng doanh nghip mi gia nhp mt nganh s mang theo nng lc sn xut mi, khat vng chim th phn va thng la nhiu ngun lc djang k. Kt qu la gia co th b ep xung hoc chi phi b dji len, lam gim li nhun. Mi nguy c gia nhp nganh mi trong mt nganh ph thuc vao nhng ro cn gia nhp hin co, cung vi phn ng t nhng dji th hin co ma k gia nhp m i co th d djoan. Nu cac rao cn gia nhp dj ln hoc k mi djn d djoan djc s tr dja mnh m t cac dji th cnh tranh hin co, nguy c t doanh nghip mi gia nhp nganh s thp . Nguy c xam nhp vao nganh ph thuc rt nhiu vao cac rao cn xam nhp( cac bin phap hn ch) th hin qua phn ng ca cac dji th cnh tranh hin hu ma cac dji th mi co th d djoan .Nu cac rao cng cao hay cac dji th mi co th d djoan djc djc s phn khang quyt lit ca cac doanh nghip hin hu trong nganh thi kh nng xam nhp ca cac dji th mi s thp va ngc li. Tn ti nhng quan djim khac nhau v s lng ngun rao cn. Theo nha
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