Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Perfect World, Economic Inequality - 1337 Words
In a perfect world, economic inequality would be nonexistent. There would be no disparities among the races, nor would there separate laws for certain classes of people. The words â€Å"all men are created equal†would truly have meaning and its applicability could not be tampered with or deviated from based on a person’s zip code. If within this perfect world crime did exist, the ramifications of criminal acts would be blind to race, wealth, or family name. Unfortunately, the illustration of a perfect world is far from it, it’s nonexistent. The world we live in today is full of disparities. There are special rules and special laws for certain people especially when it comes to crime and punishment. Everyone is not created equal. Society looks up to the wealthy and frown upon the weak and the poor, those who have little to no education and whose income is low or below the poverty level. Clarence Darrow wrote (1902) â€Å"The penal code is made and enfor ced by the ruling class, not upon themselves, but to keep the weak at the bottom of the social scale†(Dorpat, 2007). This paper explores the causes of crime and crime rates among the nation’s rich and poor. A comparison of criminal activity between the two classes is made to determine whether the legal system favors one over the other based on how the cases are handled. Lastly, a look into criminal theories that suggests certain environmental factors are conducive to and the reason for criminal behavior. WhatShow MoreRelatedThroughout History, Economists And Philosophers Have Theorized1533 Words  | 7 Pagesargue that capitalism has been the most successful economic system in history. While this may be true, pure capitalism has fundamental flaws that lead to a variety of social issues. 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It is a commonly accepted that inequality is increasing throughout the globe, with startling statistics such as the recent Oxfam report indicating that the richest 85 people in the world own more wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion people(Oxfam Australia Media, 2014). Inequality is thought of as disparities or gaps, such
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Decision Making Across the Organization - 741 Words
Decision Making Across the Organization Ramonica George ACC/561 January 14, 2014 Grace Kalil Decision Making Across the Organization When it comes to decision making across the organization, managers must have an understanding of cost effectiveness, selling, pricing, and budgeting. The organization must be able to accurately budget for variable cost as well as fixed cost while maintaining an increase in profit and revenue. In this paper, I will discuss the different view-points of decision making across the organization. I believe that when looking at the behavior of analysis cost it allows me to think of it in the prospect of how my uncle explains the real estate business. This is the study of how the specific cost of an†¦show more content†¦In addition, each business function has its own needs for accounting knowledge, not all of them being of the same nature but all been important to the success of the organization. Human resources need accounting skills to calculate payroll or the cost of benefits. Operations needs accounting to optimize the ordering of inventories, schedules for production, forecast manpower needs, etc. Marketing needs accounting to estimate market size, market share, profit/loss, break-even points, and calculate profitable price points based on variable and fixed costs. Finance needs accounting to calculate cost of capital, interest payments and made decisions on capital investment. Today Company’s like Target and Wal-Mart management has a variety of responsibility; one understanding is cost effectiveness within the company cost-volume-profit is important to the company and management a critical factor that should not be miss understood. Management decision is important in selling, pricing, and determining product mix for example, cost-volume-profit consists of components (below) at different activity levels. Activity level are useful because management can analyze how the behavior levels changes the volume with changes in cost for example, variable cost in total activity will become proportionally with change. If a product variable level increase by 1 0% the cost will also increase by 10% and the same isShow MoreRelatedEssay on Week 5 Decision Making Across the Organization621 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿ Decision Making Across the Organization ACC561 Decision Making Across the Organization The Martinez Company has decided to introduce a new product and would like to evaluate the costs of manufacturing through capital intensive and labor intensive manufacturing methods to determine which of the two methods to employ. 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Participative management is more like industrial democracy because workers are incorporated in the decision making process in the organization (Business Dictionary, 2014). According to Aswathappa, (2005) a number of successful companies haveRead MoreAnalysis Of P G Us910 Words  | 4 PagesFaster decision making on the products o Decision making can be effectively done by Brand managers instead of escalating it to executives o Product development life cycle can be improved o Faster product modifications based on the customer response o Performance of each divisional products are can be evaluated easily based on the income statements. As each product division is independent, we can easily close a division which is not profitable without any impact on the entire organization. †¢ Disadvantages
Monday, December 9, 2019
Database and Nouns Major Topics free essay sample
In Grandfield College, the Software-Tracking database will be used to help in managing the school’s software licensing. The software will be watched for lifecycle and version corrections as well as keeping track of the number of users accessing the software under the constraints of the license agreement. The faculty and staff computers will be followed for which version and licensed copy of software is presently running on each system. Objectives: 1. Have a better system by allowing employees to see the shared calendars and student’s grades. Advance the tracking of Software Licensing and the Lifecycle of programs. Preliminary timeline: 1. Gathering Data: Meet with School Board and those involved to discuss the needs and wants for a database. 2. Analyzing Data: The information gathered from the meeting will be analyzed and form a rough draft of the database model. 3. Normalization: The database model will be completed and all last minute changes adjusted and any lasting questions answered. We will write a custom essay sample on Database and Nouns Major Topics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4. Building the physical database: The database model will be constructed into the actual database program. Lab 1. 4 – Challenge Activity 1. There could be more than one Joe Smith entered into the database and info between the two could be confused. Misspelling could occur. 2. The relational database could assign a unique identifier to an entry and any changes to customer info could be managed in one area. 3. The biggest drawback is the chance of a misspelling after the fifth entry (for example) creating a whole new customer data file for an existing entity. 4. I would create at least three tables one for customer info, one for customer payments, and one that shows all payment info.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Phan tich moi trng vi mo Essays - DraftVwin,
Phan tich moi trng vi mo S dj tng quat moi trng vi mo Mo hinh nm lc lng cnh tranh (Michael E.Porter ) - Co nm lc lng djnh hng cnh tranh trong phm vi nganh: + Nguy c nhp cuc ca cac dji th cnh tranh tim tang; + Mc dj cnh tranh gia cac cong ty hin co trong nganh; + Sc mnh thng lng ca ngi mua; + Sc mnh thng lng ca ngi ban; + Dje da ca cac sn phm thay th. Dji th cnh tranh hin ti trong nganh Khai nim : Dji th cnh tranh la nhng t chc hay ca nhan co kh nng tha man nhu cu cac khach hang mc tieu ca doanh nghip bng cung mt loi sn phm hoc nhng sn phm co kh nng thay th nhng sn phm ca doanh nghip. Phan loi dji th cnh tranh Dji th cnh tranh hin ti trong nghanh dj i la cac doanh nghip dja va djang hot djng trong nganh , co nh hng mnh djn tinh hinh hot djng kinh doanh ca doanh nghip. Vi d : nu bn la ngi ban cafe, djo s la nhng ngi ban cafe trong cung khu vc. Nu bn la mt ca hang may vi tinh, djo s la nhng ca hang may vi tinh cung loi. S cnh tranh trong nganh ph thuc va cac yu t: quy mo th trng, s lng cac doanh nghip tham gia, mc dj tng trng ca nganh.Doanh nghip cn phi to ra nhng li th cnh tranh rieng mi co th cnh tranh co hiu qu va to djc v th tring thng trng. Nha qun tr cn phi co s phan tich djanh gia vi tng dji th cnh tranh c th, nhng chin lc dai hn ma h hng ti, djim mnh djim yu ca dji th; dji tng khac hanh ma h hng djn dj co dji sach phu hp. S tr dja Cac doanh nghip khi tham nhp mt nganh cn phi lng trc cac hanh djng phn ng ca cac doanh nghip trong nganh. D djoan v mt s tr dja nhanh chong va manh lit ca cac dji th hin co th lam nht chi ca cac dji th mun tham nhp nganh. S tr dja manh lit khi cac doanh nghip hin co trong nganh co d phn djang k trong nganh, (vi d, no co cac tai sn c djnh vi it kh nng chuyn dji), khi chung co ngun lc djang k hay khi nganh tng trng chm. . Rao cn nhp nganh va s cnh tranh Khai nim : Rao cn gia nhp nganh la nhng yu t ngn chn nguy c cac doanh nghip mi gia nhp nganh. Nhng doanh nghip mi gia nhp mt nganh s mang theo nng lc sn xut mi, khat vng chim th phn va thng la nhiu ngun lc djang k. Kt qu la gia co th b ep xung hoc chi phi b dji len, lam gim li nhun. Mi nguy c gia nhp nganh mi trong mt nganh ph thuc vao nhng ro cn gia nhp hin co, cung vi phn ng t nhng dji th hin co ma k gia nhp m i co th d djoan. Nu cac rao cn gia nhp dj ln hoc k mi djn d djoan djc s tr dja mnh m t cac dji th cnh tranh hin co, nguy c t doanh nghip mi gia nhp nganh s thp . Nguy c xam nhp vao nganh ph thuc rt nhiu vao cac rao cn xam nhp( cac bin phap hn ch) th hin qua phn ng ca cac dji th cnh tranh hin hu ma cac dji th mi co th d djoan .Nu cac rao cng cao hay cac dji th mi co th d djoan djc djc s phn khang quyt lit ca cac doanh nghip hin hu trong nganh thi kh nng xam nhp ca cac dji th mi s thp va ngc li. Tn ti nhng quan djim khac nhau v s lng ngun rao cn. Theo nha
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
While I was Gone essays
While I was Gone essays While I Was Gone was written by Sue Miller in 1999. The book was published by Alfred A. Knope, Inc in New York. This novel belonged in the genre of Fiction. The novel was relayed in memory when Jo was remembering her days with Eli and everyone in the house. This was about middle age and how people can get stir crazy. If someones life is familiar and comfortable for too long, he/she starts to yearn for something more. When that opportunity comes along he/she will be so startled that he/she jumps at the chance. Jo Becker thought she had gotten rid of this desire to do different and exciting things. When a man from Jos past arrived in her present life she was startled at first. Then she began to feel restless with her life because of a possibility of a new chapter in her life beginning. Jo went for this chance and almost ruined her life, as she had known it for so long. During this struggle she learned many lessons on life. While I Was Gone was written in the first person. Sue Miller chose to write the novel from this perspective to get the reader more into Jos character. Sue could not have titled the book While I Was Gone if she had written in third person. If a reader reads a novel that is in first person they feel connected with that character. When something bad happened to Jo, the reader felt her pain. Some readers may have had emotions towards Jo that werent what Jo was feeling. First person is also easier for writers to get into. Sue Miller only had to tell the story from Jos perspective and did not have to worry about anything beyond her vision. This was what made the readers connect with Jo so much. Throughout Jos life she ran. She ran away as a child, she ran away as a young adult, and at this point in her life she just wanted to run again. It seemed like the affair was just her unknowing way. Jo and Eli were similar. They both had something that they were holding in. They were goin...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Research Paper Introduction about Abortion
Research Paper Introduction about Abortion Research Paper Introduction about Abortion The attitude towards abortion has always been and still is very controversial. It has, however, changed throughout the history of humanity: for example, it was commonly accepted in the times of Ancient Greece and Rome. On the other hand, the majority of men were against abortion as they felt they were entitled to have a baby. There are a few references to abortion in an Old Testament, where a fetus was perceived rather than an object, not a living being. In other words, there was a law, that if a person causes a miscarriage, he must be punished for that. There are no references to this topic in the New Testament. Later on, abortion in the western world was not considered a crime if done before a certain period, usually before 18-20 weeks. It was a common practice in the colonial America, but was usually kept in secret, as sexual activity before marriage was disapproved by the society. The Abortion Act of 1967 in England fully legalized abortion, but under certain conditions. It s tates that a doctor has the right to perform an abortion if other two doctors agree that this is done for the sake of the woman. For example, doctors are sure that giving birth to a child will cause physical or mental harm to a woman. Still, there are lots of debates concerning whether abortion should be legalized or not. The cons of abortion usually include the following facts: Abortion is a crime. Even if it is a fetus, it is still a process of killing someone who deserves to live. Abortion can often lead to serious complications, injury to the uterus or cervix if done by unskilled doctor, or serious infection. Some of the factors, including the above mentioned complications, can lead to a risk of not being able to become pregnant again. It is a stressful and unpleasant experience, and a person can feel depressed and guilty for the rest of the life. On the other hand, there are facts that prove that abortion is legal and should be done in certain cases: Only a woman who is pregnant has a right to decide whether to do abortion or to keep a baby, provided she is of sound mind. Neither doctors, nor anti-abortion activists will have to take care of a baby, but it is a woman who has to decide whether she is capable and ready for that. The current stage of the medicine development enables doctors to detect any possible problems that a woman can have while giving a birth to a child. So, if doctors are sure that giving a birth to a child can be dangerous for a woman, they may convince her to make an abortion. The similar situation is with a baby. If doctors diagnose that a baby is very likely to have a disease after birth, a woman has to decide whether to make an abortion or to give a birth to a child, who can later on suffer for the rest of its life. If a woman got pregnant after a rape, then having an abortion is a way to get rid both of an unwanted baby and the psychological trauma after such a dire experience. There will probably never be a clear answer to whether abortion should be legal or not, whether it is morally right, or if it is the biggest crime a person can commit. Anyway, people have to deal with someone elses life, one of the most valuable things a person can have, so it is necessary to think carefully and consider every detail. Tips on Writing a Research Paper Introduction on a Controversial Topic: To write a good introduction for abortion research paper, you have to provide the readers with clues to what the paper is going to be about. Stay close to the point and keep the introduction short. As your topic is controversial, make it clear what position you take on the matter. Make sure that you conclusion and introduction coincide. Re-read the introduction and conclusion and compare them. Also you can hire a research paper writer to have a custom paper on abortion topic written from scratch. Just visit our site and fill in the order form!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Criminal Law - Essay Example The evidence for these facts is that she has told the officer that she has been robbed and he was wearing dark t-shirt and white pants, which was a lie. According to 30 USC 941- sec 941 ,the lady will be fined for $ 1000 for false statement and she will be convicted and will be given imprisonment for not less than 1 year or both. The Second crime-The second evident crime in this scenario is that the man who was being stopped by the police officer Jones was a criminal. He also did not stopped at first call of the police officer which was a crime .The man was carrying drugs as cocaine was a serious drug and possession of it is against law.. The evidence for this claim is that the police officer found a bulge in the rear side of the person and on checking it was found to be cocaine and a cell phone hidden. As per (Find Law,2013) â€Å" Simple drug possession sentences tend to be the lightest, while intent to distribute drugs or the cultivation/manufacturing of drugs carry much heavier penalties†.According to section 844, the possession of drug is considered as a felony and the punishment can vary from small fine to imprisonment for years. It depends on the intensity of the crime. The third crime The third crime in this case is that the lady was abused by her husband. As a matter of fact physically abusing a person by another person is a criminal act. Especially, when the physical abuse is performed by the spouse then the act takes a serious criminal course.. An act of torturing and assaulting a woman is a serious criminal and legal issue and can cause legal action on the husband of the woman. According to (Madison,2013) â€Å"Felony domestic violence is a type of criminal charge. When a person is charged with domestic violence, it means he or she is accused of behaving violently toward family members or people who live with him or her†. The evidence for this instance is that upon investigation the lady revealed that she lied to protect her husband fr om arrest and she was abused by him. Under section 922(g)(20 The domestic violence is a felony and a federal crime and penalties to the bodily injury can apply and also the convict can be given imprisonment for 5 years. The Forth crimeThe forth crime is done by the police officer as he did mistake in identifying the robber and shot him instantaneously. This was a false action and a crime. A police officer does have a right to shoot but it cannot be in such cases where the culprit is almost at the reach of a police officer. The police officer cannot shoot a person or a culprit unless he is in a dire or a threatening situation. Here the culprit did not show any arm or weapon to the police officer jones so it is a crime from the police officer side to shoot the person immediately without a confined reason. According to (Olson,2013) ‘It is a mistake to think because police are trained in firearm use, they are less likely to kill innocent bystanders†. The evidence for thi s fact that is that the person was shot on shoulder and was taken to hospital. According to The police officer will be given suspension for shooting the person without solid reason. The civil action -Here in this case the possible civil action that can be taken is to protect the health and life of the person who was shot by the police officer. Even though the person was a drug dealer and a criminal, the law authority has every right to protect his civil right which is protection of his life
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
English - Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 Research Paper
English - Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 - Research Paper Example It goes without saying that this Shakespearian sonnet tends to be most rich in the use of variegated imagery, the intensity and depth of passion and the dexterity of the usage of figurative language. Explanation of Sonnet 18 The poet begins the Sonnet 18 by posing a rhetorical question from which the reader can easily deduce as to what one could further expect in this sonnet. At the very start of the poem, the poet discernibly conveys that he is going to compare his beloved, which many of the critics agree that one happened to be a young man, to a summer day. Nevertheless, if one chances to read the poet separately, not being cognizant of the theme and context of the poem, a reader could easily assume that this sonnet is a poem eulogizing a beautiful woman. For the text of this sonnet tends to mention nothing so as to convey otherwise. The charm of the subject is praised not by directly tracing the similarities between the beauties of a warm summer day and one’s beauty, but, r ather by posing contrasts between the delicacies of a warm summer day and one’s beauty. There is no denying the fact that though the imagery used by the poet in this sonnet happens to be simple, yet, it is imbued with much meaning, context and verbal dexterity. One could also easily notice that the rhythm evinced by the poet in this sonnet is quite regular and continuous, without any obstructions and restraints, with a flow that is scarcely disturbed or hampered by any enjambments. Each and every line in this sonnet is specifically aimed at making a single statement, imbued with much meaning and context, and thematically building on the meaning conveyed in the next line. No wonder, this act is achieved by the poet without compromising even an iota on the melodic quality of the sonnet. Any mature reader could easily look to it that the poet has masterfully resorted to the usage of assonance and internal rhymes to achieve a melodious sound and rhythm. As one proceeds with the p erusal of this sonnet, one slowly comes to the realization that it is not merely a poem praising the beauty of the poet’s beloved, but also happens to be a verse loaded with philosophical connotations, delving on the nature and quality of poetry and the essential qualities it should possess. In a much broader context the poem also makes any unsuspecting reader in an indirect yet unintentional way think on the evanescent existence of man and the eternal existence of art and beauty. Rhyme Scheme and Sonnet Structure Again it gets visible at the first glance that the Sonnet 18 is a typical Shakespearian or English sonnet. Hence, following the rhyme scheme of the other of the large body of Shakespearian sonnets, Sonnet 18 also has three quatrains followed by a couplet. Again the rhyme scheme is typically characteristic of Shakespeare’s other sonnets being abab cdcd efef gg. It is quiet visible that it is a classic Shakespearian sonnet having 14 lines arranged in quite a re gular iambic pentameter. Leaving aside a few first syllables that tend to be strong, the poem scarcely tends to deviate from its meter. There is no line that flows into the next line and each and every line culminates in a full stop. There lie two quatrains at the start of the sonnet that are easily followed by a third quatrain that tends to shift the tone of the poem a little. This quatrain is than masterfully led to a rhyming couplet that aptly culminates the Sonnet 18. Just as it was so typical of the Italian sonnets from which
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Simulating Dialysis Essay Example for Free
Simulating Dialysis Essay Why do you think the urea was not able to diffuse through the 20 MWCO membrane? How well did the results compare with your prediction? __ The molecules were to large to go through. My results matched._ 3.Describe the results of the attempts to diffuse glucose and albumin through the 200 MWCO membrane. How well did the results compare with your prediction? __The albumin was not able to go through and the glucose did. I predicted that neither of them will diffuse, however the glucose was able to go through._ ___ 4.Put the following in order from smallest to largest molecular weight: glucose, sodium chloride, albumin, and urea. _sodium chloride, urea, glucose and albumin__ ___ ACTIVITY 2 Simulated Facilitated Diffusion 1.Explain one way in which facilitated diffusion is the same as simple diffusion and one way in which it differs.__ Both are passive diffusion that are from high concentration gradient to a low concentration gradient. Facilitated differs from simple because it requires a carrier protein to diffuse. _ ___ 2.The larger value obtained when more glucose carriers were present corresponds to an increase in the rate of glucose transport. Explain why the rate increased. How well did the results compare with your prediction? The rate increased because there is more room and surface area increases relative to glucose. ___ 3.Explain your prediction for the effect Na+Cl− might have on glucose transport. In other words, explain why you picked the choice that you did. How well did the results compare with your prediction? _I picked the answer based on the activity. My results matched. ACTIVITY 3 Simulating Osmotic Pressure 1.Explain the effect that increasing the Na+Cl− concentration had on osmotic pressure and why it has this effect. How well did the results compare with your prediction? ___ __ Increasing the NaCl will increase the osmotic pressure because water needs to diffuse to the higher concentration gradient until equilibrium is reached_. My results were the same. 2.Describe one way in which osmosis is similar to simple diffusion and one way in which it is different. ___ _ Both are passive transports of high concentration gradient to low concentration gradient. Osmosis differs because it is the diffusion of water from a high to a low concentration gradient through a selective permeable membrane.__ 3.Solutes are sometimes measured in milliosmoles. Explain the statement, â€Å"Water chases milliosmoles.†___ __ Osmosis is the diffusion of the solvent, e.g. water. The water in this simulation diffuses to the side of the membrane that has the highest concentration of the solutes. _ 4.The conditions were 9 mM albumin in the left beaker and 10 mM glucose in the right b eaker with the 200 MWCO membrane in place. Explain the results. How well did the results compare with your prediction? the glucose diffuses from the right beaker to the left beaker until equilibrium is reached. The albumin cannot diffuse through the membrane. My results were off. ACTIVITY 4 Simulating Filtration 1.Explain in your own words why increasing the pore size increased the filtration rate. Use an analogy to support your statement. How well did the results compare with your prediction? ___ _ This increase in pore size will increase the filtration rate because if it have more space, they will be able to pass through. If you connect a water hose to spray your grass, the water will come out faster than a device that attaches to water your grass. My results matched.__ 2.Which solute did not appear in the filtrate using any of the membranes? Explain why. ___ _ Powdered Charcoal- It was too large to pass through.__ 3.Why did increasing the pressure increase the filtration rate but not the concentration of solutes? How well did the results compare with your prediction? _ The pressure allows for more movement through the membrane but equilibrium was not reached.__My results were 50/50 ___ ACTIVITY 5 Simulating Active Transport 1.Describe the significance of using 9 mM sodium chloride inside the cell and 6 mM potassium chloride outside the cell, instead of other concentration ratios. _ the Na/K pump allows for 3:2 ratio__ ___ 2.Explain why there was no sodium transport even though ATP was present. How well did the results compare with your prediction? __ In order for the Na+/K+ pump to function, both these ions and ATP must be in place. My results were off._ 3.Explain why the addition of glucose carriers had no effect on sodium or potassium transport. How well did the results compare with your prediction? __ Glucose concentration does not affect the Na/K concentration. My results are off. 4.Do you think glucose is being actively transported or transported by facilitated diffusion in this experiment? Explain your answer. __ It is being transported by facilitated diffusion. Since glucose is a lipid insoluble and too large to pass through the membrane it requires a carrier but not ATP (no energy needed.)_ ___
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Kristina Laycock ICT and My Everyday Life :: ICT Essays
This report is going to be based on the different technologies I use at home, at school, with friends and at work. I am going to evaluate the extent of my needs for these technologies. Below is a list of the technologies I use at home, school and work: Home School Work Internet Internet Touch Screen Email Mobile Telephone Mobile Telephone SMS (Simple Message Service) Smart Boards SMS (Simple Message Service) WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) Lap top Mobile Telephone Email DVD’s SMS (Simple Message Service) Teletext PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants) The Internet: I use the Internet to communicate with friends and family at home by visiting chat rooms on-line, it is very efficient and is cheaper than a phone call. I don’t just use the Internet for social reasons; I use it for schoolwork and coursework. The Internet helps adults as well as children; you can do research on just about anything by using search engines. I also use the Internet for revision there are many different sites you can visit that helps you with last minute revision. Email: emailing is another good way of communicating with people and having a laugh. I use my email account to contact teachers as well as friends to get some revision work sent to me, when I am not at school or during the holidays. I also use it to get coursework marked, it saves the waste of paper – I just print off the finishing copy! Mobile telephones: mobile telephones are a way of contacting family and friends when you are out and about; they are also great if you need to contact someone in an emergency, i.e. emergency services. However, there are a few disadvantages with mobile telephones; in certain areas (on top of hills, under bridges etc) you can loose reception on your mobile telephone, which means you are unable to make or receive calls. Also you have to make sure the battery is charged, because if it is not your mobile will go dead and therefore you will be unable to use it. I use my mobile constantly to make arrangements with friends and to keep in touch with family; I don’t know what I would do without it. My mobile also comes in use when I am at work on a weekend; I use it to contact my mum to tell her what time I need picking up. I also use it to keep in contact with my boss so she can tell me if she wants me to work extra hours or if I don’t need to work. SMS (Simple Messaging Service): SMS is a cost efficient service set up so the public can communicate with each other through text.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Should Nurses Disclose Hiv Status Health And Social Care Essay
Globally human life is exposed to a premier threat of deathly HIV virus which has halted 35 million people to decease and 34 million were populating with HIV boulder clay 2011. In the recent epoch, augmented figure of I.V drug users, insecure blood transfusion and multiple sex spouses are considered high hazards for HIV transmittal, on the contrary fright of stigmatisation, deficiency of credence in the community and effects on sexual relationship are some critical factors which hinder revelation of HIV position and advancing rapid spread of HIV among vulnerable people. Continuing the secretiveness of HIV position means endangering others life. Should the septic one hazard the life of others? I assert that unwraping HIV position to sexual spouses and household will diminish hazard of HIV transmittal, better entree to medical intervention and increased chances to societal and moral support for the patient. Advocates argue that the foremost of import benefit of unwraping HIV position to sexual spouse and household is to cut down the hazard of transmittal. Although to make up one's mind when and how to portion the dismaying HIV positive position is hard but after the revelation, sexual spouses and household members become watchful to cognize their ain HIV position. To command HIV epidemics, Voluntary HIV proving and unwraping can efficaciously cut down hazard behaviours among vulnerable persons ( WHO, 2004 ) . Besides that, the most dynamic effect of Sharing HIV position with sexual spouse is involvement in preventative sexual behaviour. Sexual spouse become interested to cognize the different path of HIV transmittal to follow preventative schemes. We know that despite of the singular promotion in the field of medicine no vaccinums are available for HIV. However, the merely defensive tool is to affect the vulnerable population in precautional behaviours. Research based literatures have c oncluded that after unwraping HIV position the most frequent preventative behaviour followed by testing is addition in the usage of rubbers ( Lauretta et al, 2010 ) . Furthermore, in the survey of Niccolai, Dorst, Myer & A ; Kissinger ( 1999, as cited in Lauretta et al. , 2010 ) it was concluded that the usage of rubber among those who havenaa‚Â ¬a„?t unwrap their HIV position to sexual spouse was about 23 % comparison to 73 % among those who have disclosed. The advocates besides claim that unwraping HIV increase the inclination towards better intervention chances. Normally in our ain cultural context after sharing any alarming diagnosing, non merely patient but customarily his close relations remain in battle to place such intervention centre which is easy accessible and cost effectual. Besides, those who have already suffered from the same disease shared their experiences and battles for intervention which become helpful in designation of different agencies to acquire rid of the disease. During my clinical in civil infirmary Karachi, I have encountered two HIV positive immature patients. The parents of both patients knew the diagnosing and the male parent of one patient despite of limited income shifted his boy to Aga khan university infirmary for quality intervention. Certain intervention like HAART therapy if received in initial phase can cut down the lay waste toing consequence of HIV virus. HAART therapy decreases the patterned adv ance of HIV to AIDS by 86 % ( Sterne et al. , 2005 ) . Early designation, revelation and entree to intervention are good for the better forecast of any disease. Instrumental, informational, emotional and fiscal advantages can be achieved to better entree to medicine through unwraping HIV position to supportive web ( Waddell & A ; Messeri, 2006 ) . In the survey of Waddell & A ; Messeri ( 2006 ) it was concluded that those who did non concealed their HIV positive position from any family member the average odds of intervention was 0.64 with a high support while those who did non unwrap their Status the average odds of intervention was 0.21. In add-on, different researches have proved the relationship between the effectivity of antiretroviral therapies and HIV forecast. About 80 % of patients are now alive 10 old ages after sero-conversion due to ART ( Oppenheim, 2009 ) . HIV marks CD4 immune cells of the organic structure finally decreases the opposition power of the organic structur e and the rate of timeserving infections like Tuberculosis ( TB ) addition. Preventing the patient signifier these timeserving infections can better life quality of HIV persons. In 2010 among 34 million instances of HIV worldwide, 1.1 million instances in sub-Saharan Africa were estimated holding HIV related TB ( Suthar et al. , 2010 ) . To command the overpowering effects of HIV /AIDS revelation facilitate entree to the support commissions. There are different organisations in different states working for bettering the life criterion of HIV patients, for illustration Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association ( 2008 ) supply aid to 300 HIV single yearly in the signifier of money, medicine, occupations, lodging, and instruction in Alaska ( USA ) . Unwraping HIV position seems helpful to acquire societal and emotional support from household. Not unwraping oneaa‚Â ¬a„?s HIV position is striping patient from psychological support which is possible to be achieved through revelation. Family members, friends and equal group become more sort and credence is increased. While believing about and protecting self from the negative reaction ( e.g. favoritism, rejection, and stigmatisation ) from the community, HIV patient attempt to maintain their position secrete with a fright that if my household come to cognize about the diagnosings what will be the effects? It becomes the cause of societal isolation and produces bad impacts like emphasis, depression and low self-pride. But revelation increases societal support, household credence and beef up relationships between patients and household ( WHO, 2004 ) . These positive attacks from the household non merely cut down stress degree but besides the instrumental, moral and fiscal support from household increases the degree of self-esteem. The important others of the HIV positive patient facilitate induction and attachment to HIV intervention. Harmonizing to Norman, Chopra & A ; Kadiyala ( 2006 ) revelation of HIV position can enable the activation of household or community support web and cut down morbidity through better psychological direction. Oppositions argue that HIV position of patient should non be disclosed because unwraping the diagnosing consequences in stigmatisation and patients feel fright of rejection in household and community. Furthermore, oppositions besides claim that HIV positive patients are discriminated in the society, their rights of confidentiality are violated and revelation to sexual spouse affects sexual relationship. Due to the mentioned grounds oppositions support to maintain the diagnosing in secretiveness. Protecting others from catching disease is ethical and moral duty of every person. To diminish the opposition and increase credence of HIV positive patient, cumulative attempt are needed to convey a drastic alteration in people perception through verbally pass oning guidance and through engagement of media. As a nurse it is our premier duty to aware the people about HIV and alter the perceptual experience of people about HIV persons. Oppositions besides argue that revelation consequence sexual relationship but one time the position is shared with the sexual spouse does non intend that sexual activities can non be continued any longer. There are alternate preventative steps like usage of rubbers and serosorting to forestall the hazard of transmittal. In peculiar survey HIV positive drug users after sharing their position with their sexual spouses they were experiencing more comfy and relax with a lower anxiousness degree about HIV transmittal ( Julianne, Daniel, Sarah & A ; Tinal, 200 5 ) . Evidences exist that reding can assist to increase the frequence of revelation to sexual spouse. The effects of guidance was evaluated by a cohort surveies with the result of 56-65 % revelation rate among those who attended six reding session comparison to those who attended three Sessionss and did non unwrap their position ( Scaly et al. , 2012 ) . To reason, being the member of a wellness attention squad we can play a function of pedagogue, counsellor, and advocate. We can cut down the incidence of HIV transmittal by bettering the degree of instruction to allow the people know the path of its transmittal and bar. Today as a nurse we can play function to urge such policies which could cut down the stigma and demand to ease HIV persons morally, emotionally, and socially to guarantee more revelation of HIV position.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Virgin Mobile Usa Analysis
Virgin Mobile USA Analysis [pic] August 08, 2009 Table of Contents Table of Contents2 Introduction3 Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE Matrix)4 External Factor Evaluation (EFE Matrix)5 Porter’s Five Forces6 Porters Generic Forces6 Financial Analysis7 Competitive Profile Matrix8 The Marketing Mix-The 5 P's9 Key Issues10 Boston Consulting Group (BCG Matrix)11 GE / McKinsey Matrix12 Space Matrix14 Recommendations16 Introduction Virgin Mobile is a great company that has been successful based in the U. K. The company is well known for its brand extension and was the first company to introduce the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in the U. K. , where they leased network space form another firm instead of running a network in-house and as a result avoiding infrastructure and large fixed cost. The company was well known for its hip and trendy position in the U. K. , and catered to the youth market. Although they have had a couple failures in the past including launching the MVNO in Singapore, the company decided to venture into the U. S. Virgin Mobile positions itself to come up with an appealing offer and ensure a run rate of one million subscribers in the first year and three million by the fourth year. Keeping with the brand strategy and philosophy of making a difference, it enters areas, which are not well served which in this case is the age group of 15-29 due to their low frequency of usage and poor credit rating. While targeting this segment lifestyle and psychographics factors are important as usage is inconsistent, and based on school and, vacation periods. Virgin customers are attracted to the products and services because of the flexible monthly terms, easy to understand pricing structures, stylish handsets offered at affordable prices and relevant mobile data and entertainment content. Virgin offers products and services on a flat per-minute basis and on a monthly basis for specified quantities, or â€Å"buckets†, of minutes purchased in advance in each case, without requiring customers to enter into long-term contracts or commitments (Virgin Mobile USA). Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE Matrix) Internal Factor Evaluation | |Matrix (IFE Matrix) | |CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS |Weight |Rating |Weighted Score | |What are those factors in the internal environment which are critical to the future success of the |Relative |How well has the firm, | ; 2. 50 = the firm and | |organization? Importance of that|or its strategies, |its strategies are not | |Does management have control over them? (The answer should be yes) |factor in the |res ponded to the |capitalizing on | | |firm's industry |factor? |opportunities or avoiding| | |0=Not Important; |1 = poor response |threats. | | |1=Very Important |2 = average response |> 2. 0 = the firm, and/or| | |or Critical |3 = above average |its strategies, is/are | | | |response |responding well to | | | |4 = superior response |threats and opportunities| | | | |in its industry. |STRENGTHS | | | | |Virgin brand name [Globally recognized brand name] |0. 25 |4 |1 | |Competitive Price of Phone Package |0. 03 |2 |0. 06 | |On-line Store 24/7 |0. 2 |2 |0. 04 | |Excellent Sales Promotions |0. 1 |3 |0. 3 | |Pro-active and quick to act |0. 12 |3 |0. 36 | |Friendly staff – Good at understanding and meeting customer needs |0. 04 |3 |0. 2 | |Targeting a narrow target market [less advertising costs] |0. 02 |4 |0. 08 | |50-50 joint venture with Sprint no worry for fixed costs or physical structure |0. 1 |4 |0. 4 | |An exclusive multiyear content and marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games and|0. 05 |4 |0. | |other MTV-, VH1-, and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile subscribers | | | | |Unique mobile features and extras |0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Channel strategy that is more closely aligned to its target market selection. |0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Unique image youth oriented other providers focus on business people. 0. 02 |3 |0. 06 | |Unique advertising strategy |0. 02 |4 |0. 08 | |WEAKNESSES | | | | |Limited [Low] advertising budget |0. 3 |4 |0. 52 | |No contract option means that there is a chance of having higher churn rates. |0. 01 |3 |0. 03 | |New Foreign Brand associated with Music/Travel |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |CBD Location is busy/inconvenient for Suburb Customers |0. 02 |1 |0. 2 | |Mobile Coverage |0. 01 |1 |0. 01 | |Separate Billing/Account information (More Direct Mail) |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |Total |1 | |3. 44 | | | | |3. 4 > 2. 5 | Virgin Mobile exhibited internal weaknesses and strengths wit hin its environment rated above weighted score of 3. 44 on a scale of 1 to 4. This can be attributed to the good leadership that includes friendly staff, the market niche that is image youth oriented, unique advertising strategy, channel strategy on the other hand limited advertising budget, potential higher churn rates and poor mobile coverage expose Virgin Mobile’s weaknesses that must be addressed. External Factor Evaluation (EFE Matrix) |External Factor Evaluation |Matrix (EFE Matrix) | |CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS |Weight |Rating |Weighted Score | |What are those factors in the internal environment which are critical to the future success of|Relative Importance of|How well has the firm, or| < 2. 50 = the firm and its| |the organization? |that factor in the |its strategies, responded|strategies are not | |Does management have control over them? The answer should be no) |firm's industry |to the factor? |capitalizing on | | |0=Not Important; |1 = poor response |opportunities or avoiding | | |1=Very Important or |2 = average response |threats. | | |Critical |3 = above average |; 2. 0 = the firm, and/or | | | |response |its strategies, is/are | | | |4 = superior response |responding well to threats| | | | |and opportunities in its | | | | |industry. |OPPORTUNITIES | | | | |Penetration among consumers 15-29 is significantly lower and the growth rate among this |0. 12 |4 |0. 8 | |demographic is projected to be robust in the next 5 years [this segment hasn’t been targeted | | | | |yet] | | | | |Revenue for mobile entertainment projected to increase steadily over the next few years. |0. 1 |4 |0. | |Open more Virgin Mobile Stores across Capital Cities/Regional Markets |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | |Integrate into Music/Travel packages |0. 25 |4 |1 | |Wider Mobile Phone Coverage-National & International |0. 1 |3 |0. | |THREATS | | | | |Market seems to have reached maturity |0. 14 |3 |0. 42 | |Market is overcrowded |0. 15 |2 |0. 3 | |Customers ages 15-29 are low value subscribers [don’t use their cell phone regularly] |0. 3 |2 |0. 06 | |Limited National Coverage |0. 01 |2 |0. 02 | |The age group targeted tends to have poor credit quality |0. 03 |3 |0. 09 | |Competition from A T & T, T-Mobile USA, Cellco and Verizon etc |0. 02 |2 |0. 4 | |Total |1 | |3. 26 | | | | |3. 26 ; 2. 5 | Virgin Mobile’s response to external opportunities and threats within its environment is rated above weighted score of 3. 26 on a scale of 1 to 4. There are wide opportunities for Virgin Mobile to open more Virgin Mobile Stores across Capital Cities/Regional Markets. Make the offers more attractive by Integrating Music/Travel packages. Provide wider Mobile Phone coverage-National & International. On the other hand there are threats that are looming due to the market that seems to have reached maturity and overcrowded. There is limited National coverage which needs to be expanded. There is also Competition from A T & T, T-Mobile USA, Cellco and Verizon etc. These threats must be countered effectively. Porter’s Five Forces Supplier power (Weak) – Lots of cell phone providers, therefore companies like Kyocera lower prices to contract with service providers. Buyer power (Strong) Current cell phone service providers are numerous, which allows for many options for buyers. Barriers to Entry (Weak) – There is nothing that will prevent Virgin from competing to an untapped market. The threat of substitutes (Weak) – There are very few substitutes available that offer mobile and immediate communication. Alternative like pagers are outdated & this target market cannot afford sophisticated PDA service. Degree of Rivalry (Strong) – Competitors have brand recognition in the US and have the majority of the market share. Porters Generic Forces Virgin Mobile applies the three generic strategies. Cost leadership strategy that seeks to minimize costs and maximize profits. For example the company had entered into distribution agreements with Target and Best Buy, both of which charged lower commissions than traditional industry channels $30 per phone, versus an industry average of $100. 6. They also sought to hire talented staff that is friendly and good at understanding and meeting customer needs. In terms of differentiation, the team decided that a key part of the Virgin Mobile service would involve the delivery of content, features, and entertainment, which they called â€Å"VirginXtras. To this end, the company signed an exclusive, multiyear content and marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games, and other MTV-, VH1-, and Nickelodeon based content to Virgin Mobile subscribers. Therefore Virgin Mobile focuses on unique image that is youth oriented while other providers focus on business people. Virgin Mobile also differentiated it’s service by good customer care. There are advantages and risks exhibited with each strategic option. Virgin Mobile’s opportunities in this market were based on determining the unmet needs and creating new ways or means for satisfying these unmet needs. And it had to be based on buyer types, buyers’ needs and the technological means of satisfying those needs. Virgin Mobile used a more concentrated approached; they identified buyers’ needs by focusing on the age group 15 to 29 with specifically those with no credit and may not have usage or a lot of minutes; The Company put an emphasis on usage of minutes, style, fashion, fun, honesty and great value for money. This segment represented a possible opportunities for market penetration. It identified two attitudinal and lifestyle markets in their chosen segment; those that had no credit and wanted a phone with no contracts but can indulge in text messaging, downloading information into the cell phone and they were more likely to use ring tones, faceplates and graphic and those that wanted a phone as a fashion statement. Even people with similar usage needs, often have differing lifestyles representing various value sets. For example some people have an active lifestyle in which sports and fitness play an important role, while for others, art, fashion and trends may be very important. Financial Analysis Virgin Mobile USA, Inc. Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $1,323. 5M One year growth: 0. 8% Net income: $7. 9M Income growth: 88. 4% AT Mobility Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $124,028. 0M One year growth: 4. 3% Net income: $12,867. 0M Income growth: 7. 7% Cellco Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2007: Sales: $43,900. 0M One year growth: 15. 5% T-Mobile USA Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $1,323. 5M One year growth: 0. 8% Net income: $7. 9M Income growth: 88. 4% Verizon Key numbers for fiscal year ending December, 2008: Sales: $97,354. M One year growth: 4. 2% Net income: $6,428. 0M Income growth: 13. 7% Reference: http://www. hoovers. com/virgin-mobile-usa/–ID__156760–/free-co-competitors. xhtml The main competitors are AT&T, Cello, T-Mobile USA and Verizon. Initially, Virgin may have no great profits since they are trying to be the low cost provider. Although they were profitable i n the UK, they have no brand recognition in the US to fall back on. Based data, Virgin Mobile is able to compete effectively with their major competitors as far as sales are concerned. They are also able to do this will less employees, meaning low operating cost. The company’s ability to compete effectively gives a good indication on their ability to keep their current market share and expand operations into new target markets. Competitive Profile Matrix |Competitive Profile Analysis | |Competitive Profile Matrix | | |Virgin Mobile |AT & T |Cingular |Verizon |Sprint | |Critical Success factors |Weight |Rating |W. T. Score | |Overall Market Size |0. 20 |5 |1 | |Annual Market Growth Rate |0. 20 |5 |1 | |Sector Profitability |0. 12 |4 |0. 48 | |Competitive Intensity |0. 14 |1 |0. 4 | |Global Opportunities |0. 12 |4 |0. 48 | |Regulatory Regime |0. 05 |3 |0. 15 | |Opportunity to Differentiate |0. 04 |5 |0. 2 | |Technological Requirements |0. 5 |1 |0. 05 | |Entry Barriers |0. 02 |1 |0. 02 | |Distribution Structure |0. 06 |5 |0. 3 | |Total |1 | |3. 82 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Business Unit Strength Factors |Factor Weighting |Business Unit Rating |Value | |Market Share |0. 2 |1 |0. 2 | |Share Growth |0. 2 |4 |0. | |Product Quality |0. 05 |2 |0. 1 | |Brand Reputation |0. 1 |1 |0. 1 | |Distribution Network |0. 31 |5 |1. 55 | |Promotional Effectiveness |0. 05 |5 |0. 25 | |Production Capacity |0. 2 |4 |0. 08 | |Cost Management |0. 01 |5 |0. 05 | |R Performance |0. 02 |5 |0. 1 | |Management |0. 04 |4 |0. 16 | |Total |1 | |3. 39 | [pic] McKinsey model above shows us strong business attractiveness and that the business strength for Virgin Mobile is fairly low. The fact of the matter is that competition in the cellular phone business is strong with many competitors. Currently the top providers operate to benefit themselves and not the consumer with high prices and limited features for the money. Consumers have various choices as far as provider is concerned, but no company has differentiated themselves to benefit the consumer’s pocket. Virgin Mobile must strive to excel. Space Matrix Strategic Position & Action Evaluation [pic]  | | | | | | | |Internal Strategic Position |External Strategic Position | | |Competitive Advantage |Industry Attractiveness | | |Ratings | | |Ratings | | | |(-6 worst, -1 Best) | | |(+1 worst, +6 Best) | | | |-5 |Market share | |5 |Market Growth potential | | |-4 |Product quality | |2 |Profit potential | | |-3 |Produc t life cycle | |4 |Financial stability | | |-5 |Brand & Image | |5 |Resource utilization | | |-3 |Customer loyalty | |2 |Capital intensity | | |-3 |Technological know-how | |2 |Barriers to entry | | Total |-23 | |  Total |20 | | |Avg | |AVG 3. 33| | |-3. 83 | | | | | | |Total axis X score: |-0. 0 | | | |Financial Strength |Environmental Stability | | |Ratings | | |Ratings | | | |(+1 worst, +6 Best) | | |(-6 worst, -1 Best) | | | |4 |ROI | |-3 |Technological changes | | |2 |Leverage | |-5 |Demand Elasticity | | |3 |Liquidity | |-3 |Price range of competition | | |3 |Capital required/available | |-6 |Barriers to entry | | |3 |Ease of market exit | |-6 |Competitive pressure | | |2 |Risk involved in business | |-5 |Price elasticity | |  Total |16 | |  Total |-28 | | |Avg | |Avg | | |2. 67 | |-4. 67 | | | | |Total axi s Y score: |-2. 00 | | | With the given the Space Matrix data we realize that the company should pursue a defensive strategy. The implication is that the firm is operating within a market that is experiencing negative to stable growth and that Virgin Mobile is experiencing severe financial constraints. Virgin Mobile knows that the market is saturated and very competitive they went ahead and positioned themselves to pursue their niche in the market share. I recommend applying a combination of retrenchment, divestiture, liquidation and concentric diversification. Recommendations Virgin Mobile wants to compete within a new market and not have the competition beat them in this game. Several options as far as pricing were developed by the company. They can either clone existing prices, price below the competition, or create their own unique pricing strategy. Cloning the industry, will not allow them to differentiate themselves in order to stand out from the competition, although, it would be easy to promote. Pricing below the competition would still be copying the competitor’s strategy, but just offering a lower price. Their only differentiating factor would be that they were cheaper. I recommend a different strategy. Creating the new plan would bring about the changes that consumers want such as eliminating contracts, offering pre-paid services, lower priced phones, and eliminating hidden fees. Although this strategy could be risky, they will ultimately do what they set out do which was to gain the market share of the under-30 crowd. With the options that MTV, VH1 and Nickelodeon networks will offer, I believe consumers will see the added value in the product as opposed
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Employee Benefits Example
Employee Benefits Example Employee Benefits – Coursework Example Employee Benefits Addressing the inflexibility of the scheduling of the nurses and physicians Nurses and physicians are human beings too and they work this hard to take care of their families as well as pay their bills. In today’s healthcare environment, it is practically impossible to juggle the family obligations and work at the same time (Niles, 2012). The dangers of job loss or missing chances of promotion as a result of family commitments; taking care of the loved ones, family tours and trips and even taking care of pregnancies has left very many dads and moms with no other option than to choose between work and family. In this case, the specific plan in addressing the issue of high turnover rate in the organization will basically involve implementing a Workforce Planning Model (WPM) that will be evaluated and adjusted annually. Before even the WPM model is implemented, the organization will have to first conduct an assessment to understand and evaluate its employees†™ needs. Apart from establishing the needs of the employees, through employees’ need assessment, the organization will be in a better chance to plan and implement other strategies that support talent development as well as employee partnership what will help the organization work towards its organizational goals and objectives. Further, the assessment will help the organization determine if the WPM model will work well in the organization or will it have to be modified. An effective WPM is able to analyze the current work force of an organization and establish the future needs of every employee, device ways of filling in the workforce needs of the future as well as monitor the effectiveness of the workforce plans implemented in an organization. Through the use of a WPM model it will be possible to track the demands of every single nurse and physician, track their availability, track their most preferred time of working and automatically come up with work schedules that will be in the best interest for everyone.ReferenceNiles, Nancy, J. (2012). Basic concepts of health care human resource management. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, ISBN 13: 9781449653293.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
100 Ways to Say I Love You in Italian
100 Ways to Say 'I Love You' in Italian Whether its an operatic aria, a love poem, or whispered sweet nothings, many think the phrase I love you is best said in Italian. There are many ways to express your true feelings in this ancient language. Some are simple and straightforward, others poetic and passionate. Either way, this list of 100 ways to say I love you in Italian is sure to help you find the right words. Say I Love You in Italian Ti amo: I love youTi voglio bene: I love you a lotTi voglio molto bene: I love you very muchMi piaci molto: I really like youTi adoro: I adore youTi ammiro: I admire youSei importante per me: You are important to meSei tutto per me: You are everything to meSono innamorato / innamorata di te: Im in love with youHo bisogno di te: I need youTi voglio: I love youTi desidero: I want youMi sento attratto / attratta da te: Im attracted to youMi sono infatuato di te: Im infatuated with youHo un debole per te: Im weak for youSignifichi tutto per me: You mean everything to meMi sono affezionato / affezionata a te: Im fond of youSposami: Marry meVoglio essere sempre con te: I always want to be with youSenza di te non posso pià ¹ vivere: I cant live without youTi voglio baciare: I want to kiss youSono tuo / tua: Im yoursSei la mia anima gemella: You’re my soul mateSenza di te non sono niente: Without you, I am nothingSei luomo / la donna dei miei sogni: Youre the man/woman of my dr eamsSei luomo / la donna della mia vita: Youre the man/woman of my life Per te farei di tutto: Id do anything for youSono pazzo / pazza di te: Im crazy about youSono abbagliato da te: Im dazzled by youSei il grande amore della mia vita: Youre the love of my lifeSenza di te la vita non ha pià ¹ senso: Without you, life has no meaningIl mio cuore à ¨ solo tuo / tua: My heart is yoursHai conquistato il mio cuore: Youve won my heartGiorno e notte sogno solo te: Day and night, I dream only of youMi hai incantato / incantata: Youve charmed/enchanted meSei il sole della mia vita: Youre the sunshine of my lifeSei tutto cià ² che voglio: Youre everything I wantTi voglio un mondo di bene: I want a world of good for youCon te voglio invecchiare: I want to grow old with youTi voglio sempre avere al mio fianco: I always want you by my sideSenza di te la vita à ¨ un inferno: Without you, life is hellDa quando ti conosco la mia vita à ¨ un paradiso: Since I met you, my life is paradiseResta sempre con me: Stay with me alwaysMi hai stregato / stregata: Youve bew itched mePotrei guardarti tutto il giorno: I could watch you all day Solo tu mi capisci: Only you understand meSono ubriaco / ubriaca di te: Im drunk with youNei tuoi occhi cà ¨ il cielo: Heaven is in your eyesSe non ci fossi dovrei inventarti: If you werent (real), Id invent youTu sei un dono del cielo: Youre a gift from HeavenVoglio passare tutta la mia vita con te: I want to spend my entire life with youIl nostro amore à ¨ la cosa pià ¹ importante nella mia vita: Our love is the most important thing in my lifeQuando chiudo gli occhi vedo solo te: When I close my eyes. I see only youEntra nella mia vita: Come into my lifeLa tua bocca mi fa impazzire: Your mouth drives me crazyVorrei annegare nei tuoi occhi: I want to drown in your eyesTu sei la mia vita: Youre my lifeNessuno / nessuna à ¨ come te: No one is like youSei il mio tesoro: Youre my treasureArdo di amore per te: I burn with love for youTi ho chiuso nel mio cuore: Ive closed you in my heartIl mio cuore dipende da te: My heart depends on youHo preso una sbandata per te: I have a crush on youSono tutto tuo / tua: Im all yours Ti penso sempre: I always think of youMi manchi: I miss youCome sei bella: How beautiful you areVoglio vederti stasera: I want to see you tonightTu sei una mia stella: You are a starCara mia, ti voglio bene: My darling, I love youMi hai fatto perdere la testa: You made me lose my mindBrucio per te: Im on fire for youTi ho regalato il mio cuore: I gave you my heartIl mio cuore batte solo per te: My heart beats only for youSei irresistibile: Youre irresistibleSei la mia Venere: Youre my VenusMi hai rubato il cuore: Youve stolen my heartSolo con te riesco ad essere felice: Only with you can I be happyMi hai conquistato / conquistata: Youve won meI miei sensi sono pieni di te: My senses are filled with youVoglio che tu sia solo mio / mia: I want you to be only mineDai un nuovo senso alla mia vita: You give new meaning to my lifeSei un gioello: Youre a jewelPer te faccio di tutto: Id do anything for youGiorno e notte penso solo a te: Day and night, I only think about you Mi accompagni ovunque io vada: Youre with me wherever I goSei la cosa pià ¹ cara che ho: Youre the dearest thing I haveSei tutto cià ² che desidero: Youre everything I wantMi fai sognare: You make me dreamEcciti i miei sensi: You excite my sensesSenza di te sono solo met: Without you, Im only halfSei il mio angelo: Youre my angelCon te dimentico il tempo: With you, I forget timeNon ho occhi che per te: I only have eyes for youSei il mio pensiero preferito: Youre my favorite thoughtSento qualcosa di forte per te: I have strong feelings for youNon voglio perderti: I dont want to lose youLa tua bellezza mi toglie il fiato: Your beauty takes my breath awayPotrei fissare i tuoi bellissimi occhi in eterno: I can gaze into your beautiful eyes foreverPer favore, ricordati di me: Please remember/think of me
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Brain Fingerprinting 302 WK5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Brain Fingerprinting 302 WK5 - Essay Example According to Daubert guidelines, new questions would be answered before fingerprints could be entered into evidence. Due to this decision, the court had to introduce five criteria that had to be achieved before evidence could be considered scientific. The first question that must be answered concerns peer review, and sound methodology. The second question involves a known error rate, the third involves testable hypothesis, fourth involves application outside of legal proceedings, and fifth question involves general acceptance (Hensen, 2006). Brain fingerprinting continues to face challenges regarding twins. Twins have the same DNA, but different fingerprints. In addition, the main challenge to brain fingerprinting lies in the fact that there is a lack of universal standards for comparing fingerprints. Several mismatches of partial fingerprints have been encountered (Hensen, 2006). This criterion involves using a particular scientific technique. In other words, it shows the likelihood of being wrong in the case whereby the scientist has asserted that alleged crime has a particular effect. The known potential error should be small, about 1-5 percent (Roth, 2010). This criterion measures the extent at which the actions of the scientist produce results that are scientifically knowledgeable. Appropriate hypothesis testing techniques must be used on questions of interest to the scientific community. The general hypotheses testing techniques must be accepted after undergoing scrutiny by the scientific community (Roth, 2010). The theory must be peer reviewed before publication. The scientist’s peers must scrutinize the work before being published. This is the only ways objectivity of the fingerprinting can be achieved. After publication, the work is then expected to undergo further review by other experts (Roth, 2010). The hypothesis testing method should determine whether the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Labor Force Effect on International Business Essay
Labor Force Effect on International Business - Essay Example In most cases, wage constitutes a substantial portion of the total production cost of companies. As such, businesses find myriad ways and means in order to reduce labor cost for enhancing their viability. Another way by which labor affects international business is through workers' skills. Especially in the modern times, human resource is considered as one of the most valuable assets of a company. This is because it is the employees of the company that possess the skills and expertise required for the efficient completion of production and other business functions. In this regard, the skill level of labor employed by companies is one of the key ingredients to ensure organizational success. With the advent of globalization, labor becomes a central issue in light of prevailing wage and skill levels. Given the technological advancements, employers have found a way to tap the global labor market (Tristan, 2003). Multinational corporations have benefited from the use of modern ways of communication, like electronic mail and video conferencing, to rationalize their labor factor. With the high-tech gadgets, they have taken advantage of highly-skilled and less expensive labor force available in other countries.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managing financial resources and development editing Essay
Managing financial resources and development editing - Essay Example The company can also increase or improve on its sales so that however much the payments are, the receipts will still be more in order to for the company to meet its current liabilities Net Present Value is the difference between the present value of the cash inflows and the present value of the net outflows. Project cash flows are discounted using an appropriate rate, which is the minimum rate of return required by the investor. In the case of these two projects; Alpha and Beta projects, the discounting rate is 10% which is used to calculate the discounting factors with the formula 1/(1 + r)n where r is the discounting rate and n is the number of years. The appropriate cash flows are the after tax cash flows, therefore the net cash flows should be estimated on the after tax basis. However, in these projects, there was no tax involved and no project had a residual value after the completion period of 5 years. Computation of cash flows requires a special treatment of non-cash expenses such as depreciation though in these projects, there is no depreciation considered. However, in case of depreciation, it has an indirect effect on the cash flow since it is a tax deduc tion expense. The general criteria for Net Present Value is that the project with a negative net present value should be undertaken since it increases the wealth of the shareholders and a project with a negative net present value should not be undertaken since it reduces the wealth of the shareholders. In a case where the manager is faced with several projects and would like to choose one to implement, then the net present values of all the projects will be calculated and compared. The project with the highest net present value should be preferred to the others with low net present value. Considering these two projects: the project Alpha and project Beta, both the projects will last for 5 years and will have a discounting rate of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Negative Effects of TV on Young People
Negative Effects of TV on Young People As we can see, television is playing a very big role in our life. Television has its good side. It can be entertaining and educational, and can open up new worlds for children, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never encounter in their own community. However, parents need to understand the negative influence of childrens TV, even childrens programming, because children are likely to learn things from TV that parents dont want them to learn. Television can affect childrens health, school work and behavior in negative ways. Excess television viewing can influence childrens physical and mental health. On one hand, it could affect badly childrens physical health. It is easy for children to be myopic if they watch TV more than two hours in a day. Children will spend less time on sports and TV time also takes away from participating in sports, music, art or other activities that require practice to become skillful. And they may have high caloric intake if they are watching TV at dinner. A person would burn fewer calories while watching TV than when just sitting quietly, doing nothing (Langholt, 2010). So it may contribute to obesity problems. Children who watch more TV are more likely to be overweight. TV is a bigger factor than diet. Estimates of risk indicate that more 60% of overweight incidence in this population can be linked to excess television viewing time (Dietz, 1996). Many TV ads encourage unhealthy eating habits. Two-thirds of the 20,000 TV ads an average child sees each year are for food and mo st are for high-sugar foods. After-school TV ads target children with ads for unhealthy foods and beverages, like fast food and sugary drinks. On the other hand, watching TV has bad influence on childrens mental health, too. Children who are addicted to TV are hard to communicate with their family members and classmates. One study found that TV viewing before age three slightly hurt several measures of later brain development. Before the age of three, childrens brain develops rapidly, forming connections and pathways that will assist with learning later in life. Studies indicate that exposure to television, with its fast-moving images and rapid actions, actually rewires childrens brain to crave this hyperactive stimulation. The benefits of parent-child interactions are proven, and under age three, talking, singing, reading, listening, to music or playing are far more important to childrens development than any TV show. The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends that pare nts keep their kids away from all TV until after the age of two (Bushman, 2010). Children under age eight cant tell the difference between reality in our lives and fantasy on TV. In this case, children may be frightened or upset by TV stories easily, and the symptoms include bad dreams, anxious feelings, being afraid of being alone, withdrawing from friends, and missing school. TV viewing may replace activities that we know help with school work, such as reading, doing homework, pursuing hobbies, and getting enough sleep. First, it makes children read fewer books and have lower grades in school. Watching TV at age four is one factor to be associated with bulling in grade school. Second, children may become more seeing than thinking. It may prevent children from the development of their imagination and creativity. Finally, one research study found that TVs effects on education are long term. The study found that watching TV as a child affected educational achievement at age 26. Watching more TV in childhood increases chances of dropping out of school and decreased chances of getting a college, even after controlling for confounding factors (Bushman, 2010). Children who watch more sensitive TV may have behavior problems. First of all, they will imitate the violence they see on TV. Programs designed for children more often contain violence than adult TV. Young children may even try to emulate the things they see on TV, not realizing that they risk injuring themselves or others. According to the AAP, Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence (Bushman, 2010). Watching violent shows is also linked with having less empathy toward others. A university of Michigan researcher demonstrated that watching violent media can affect willingness to help others in need (Bushman, 2010). Whats more, alcohol advertising, including TV ads, contributes to an increase in drinking among youth. TV ads are a major factor in normalizing alcohol use in the minds of children, adolescents and college students. Alcohol has damaging effects on young peoples developing brains-and the da mage can be permanent. Children who watch TV are more likely to smoke. Even though tobacco ads are banned on TV, young people still see people smoking on programs and movies shown on television. Recent research has shown that exposure to smoking in movie characters increases the likelihood that viewers will associate themselves with smoking (Langholt, 2010). Kids who watch more TV start smoking at an earlier age. The relationship between television viewing and age of starting smoking is stronger than that of peer smoking, parental smoking, and gender. Finally, children get lots of information about sexuality from television. Because most parents dont talk to their kids about sex and most school dont offer complete sex education programs, they get much information about sex from TV. However, watching sex on TV increases the chances that a teen will have sex, and may cause teens to start having sex at younger ages (Bushman, 2010). In summary, television viewing affects childrens physical and mental health, school performance and behavior in negative ways. Therefore, children should replace TV time with creative and physical activities, reading and playing games with positive values and educational content.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Comparison of On the Road and Crying of Lot 49 Essay -- comparison c
In both Jack Kerouac’s, On the Road, and Thomas Pynchon’s Crying of Lot 49 the characters act in a deviant manner outside of social norms. This in turn leads to a deviant sub-cultural group which competes with the institutionalized authorities for power. Deviance in both novels is usually defined as a certain type of behaviour, such as an inebriated professor babbling on in a lecture hall filled with students or a group of teenagers frolicking naked in a city park on a hot and sunny afternoon. However, deviance can also encompass both ideas and attributes (Sagarin, 1975). The primary understanding of deviance rests in the reactions of observers, something becomes deviant because an individual, group or society takes offense and reacts negatively (Cohen, 1966, Lofland, 1969). These negative reactions occur because onlookers interpret what they see and hear as being bad, insane, strange, immoral, non-conforming, or wrong. Negative responses do more than define deviance; t hey serve as mechanisms of social control and power. In examining these novels from a sociological perspective, both Kerouac and Pynchon examine conflicts between mainstream society and sub-cultural groups. The deviant behaviour, thoughts, and attributes observed from the characters within the novels provide a strong argument for Austin Turk’s conflict theory of deviance, which examines power and cultural conflict as a basis for deviant behaviour. To begin, Austin Turk’s conflict theory of crime divides society into two groups: those with power "the authorities" and those without power "the subjects". In Pynchon’s novel The Crying Of Lot 49, this is realized by contrasting Pierce Inverarity, a California real estate mogul to those of low social economic class... background, and his resemblance to a Fitzgerald hero, with a tragic death and foul dust floating in the wake of his dreams (153).  However, both of the novels express those subjects living by values beyond the social norms as having some power to change societal norms. By examining Turk’s theory of conflict between authorities and subjects, it becomes apparent the deviant behaviour observed from the characters in both novels is an influencing method of power to alter cultural and societal norms.  WORKS CITED Dugdale, John. Thomas Pynchon: Allusive Parables of Power. New York: St.Martin, 1990 Gomme, Ian McDermid. The Shadow Line: Deviance and Crime in Canada. Toronto: HBJ 1993. Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. New York: Penguin books, 1955 Pynchon, Thomas. The Crying Of Lot 49. New York: Harper & Row, 1966 Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Creative Spark Talk †Taking Imagination Seriously Essay
Janet Echelman is a self-proclaimed artist who never formally learned the craftsmanship of being an architect, engineer, or sculptor. However, her story is one of determination and perseverance through adversity that fuels inspiration to make imagination a reality. Ms. Echelman was an honored speaker at a 2011 TED Talk conference and the title of her speech was, â€Å"Taking Imagination Seriously†. The focus of her speech is about the ability to utilize numerous inventive methods to bring about the natural beauty of art. Illuminating Stages of Creativity Echelman shares in her talk that she was offered an opportunity to travel to India and host an art presentation. She had been painting abroad for 10 years so she considered herself prepared and had envisaged concepts for the exhibition. However, met with the dilemma of missing painting supplies, Echelman began brainstorming to solve the problem. Recalling that sculpting was esteemed in the area, she entertained the idea of creating bronze moldings but dismissed because the cost, size, and weight would be too great. Stumped in the creative process, a new technique to design aerial sculptures suddenly appears by watching fishermen pile nets on the beach. Acting on her mysterious moment of clarity, Janet Echelman brought into existence with the help of local fishermen, a one of a kind sculpture titled â€Å"Wide Hips†. Captivated by visions of effortless motions and images influenced by every flutter of the wind, Echelman was compelled to master variations of the artistry. Although her beginning works was temporary, they were viewed by thousands and gained her recognition. She was commissioned to erect a sculpture, which challenged a series of actions to achieve lasting results. Her ability to transform the idea of using ordinary material to assemble monumental artwork is stimulating and touching the minds of society. Concepts of Imagination and Curiosity Janet Echelman acknowledged that she required assistance and resources to further the growth of her creations. She began gathering, sorting, and organizing information on what tools or equipment would be needed along with developing relationships with various engineers. This new form of art had not been done before; it was created through the process of connecting visions and absorbing ideas from environment. Janet Echelman was able to put concepts into action by experimenting with existing methods and modifying until reaching the goal. She allowed her imagination to cultivate scenarios of innovations that the world had yet to experience. When presented with the advantage to construct a sculpture in the middle of a city, Janet Echelman’s curiosity was electrified. Future assignments entailed exploring different techniques, learning and understanding how they will work together. With each new project, Janet applied inquisitive thinking skills to explore and investigate how she would accomplish constructing and stabilizing the artwork. Every sculpture took on distinctiveness through color, form, texture, and assembly. As a result of allowing her curiosity to lead her toward additional ideas and perspectives, Ms. Echelman achieved greater knowledge how to use cogitative dimensions. Points Apply to Personal Experience and Beneficial to Society As a culture and in families, people are taught that to pursue dreams or succeed in a career, education is a necessity. However, some people assume a certain path is meant for them but destiny has a different course for them. Janet Echelman shared several points that could be related to personal experiences to find my own creative path in life. As a result of my own adversities with finishing college at a younger age, acceptance into an art institute to study interior design was not achieved. Nonetheless, with encouragement and determination implanted, designing remained a hobby practiced. Nurturing and releasing my imagination to explore various angles, colors, and shapes that correlated or contrasted with one another broadened possibilities. Although interior design is not my career, the creative process of intuitively recognizing issues and formulating questions to solve them, gives guidance in different capacities of life. Janet Echelman referenced topics that are beneficial to society wherein many people struggle with asking themselves questions that are correlated to the core of what drives their thoughts. A person must be open-minded and willing to visualize the impossible to achieve possibilities. Rejections, loss of supplies, and challenges to create something new and unforeseen, pushed Janet Echelman’s imagination to greater heights. These are attributes that are considerably beneficial to old and coming generations. In conclusion Janet Echelman, an American artist was driven by her imagination to create one of kind sculptures around the world. Her persistence to acquire as much information on the craftsmanship of sculpting shows that the power to create and intuition brings results. Connecting visions sometimes require the assistance of others and in doing so, relationships are formed and the aftereffect is splendor. The finished masterpiece is takes on a form of its own to be enjoyed and appreciated by the magnitude. Janet Echelman’s creations has inspired, mesmerized, and encouraged people to take their imagination seriously. References N.A. (2011). TED Talk. Janet Echelman: Taking imagination seriously. Retrieved from:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Opression of African Americans Essay
In the documentary Ethnic Notions directed by Marlon Riggs, illustrates the oppression African Americans have faced during the time of slavery up until the present day. The same forms of oppression blacks faced during slavery is the same type of oppression they faced today, decades after slavery was abolished. These forms of oppression still seen today are evidence that America has not made very little progress in eliminating the inequalities among the white and black Americans. The documentary uses different caricatures to portray African Americans in the wrong light. These characters were suppose to show the way black people looked, and behaved even though none of these characters actually depicted the way black people truly looked or acted. Even though the video focused manly on the way African Americans are perceived by society, it focused on an even bigger issue; the main point of the documentary was to provide evidence that African Americans were better off left in captivity during the times of slavery. Riggs begins the documentary by displaying the images of black caricatures that was introduced during the slavery time period, and explaining how those same caricatures have been seen around the world. Even today those same black caricatures can be seen in people homes, including in the homes of many African Americans. The people portrayed in these characters are all extremely dark with large lips, and very unappealing. Those cartoon caricatures do not in any shape or form bear a resemblance to what black people actually look like. All African Americans do not look exactly the same, but none of them are truly as dark as the caricatures and their lips are not as large and abnormally shaped as seen on the caricatures. Even though black people do not look like these cartoon characters, people still see those old images as a representation of all black people, as if they can not possibly see them looking any different, as if they were meant to look like anything else. The same concept of characterizing a single group of individuals can be observed in the video The Danger of a Single Story. In this video story teller Chimamanda Adichie discusses her experiences as a writer, who only wrote about British and white American people because that was all she knew. She was unaware of people that looked like existed her because she only ever read books about white people so that was all she knew. Then when she moved to America, she experienced the danger of a single story; before anyone got to know they already felt sorry for her and had expected her to act in a certain way. However they were surprised to learn that her life was nothing like the single story they heard about her and all other Africans. Unlike what they expected, Adichie did not live in poverty and she could read and write, and speak English. After arriving in America, Adichie began to really understand the meaning of the dangers of a single story. Instead of her getting angry, she was able to understand why they thought the way they did because just like them she too had developed a single story about a group of people. She understood that if people are only seeing the same images of a group of people over and over again, whether it’s through the media or my word of mouth that eventually that group of people will become what the media writes about them. After showing the images of black people, Riggs further explains the different roles of each of the caricatures. Some of these caricatures and images were during the time of slavery, while others were during the period when slavery had ended. The Mammy caricature was a mother who served the white people. She was portrayed as a fat, unattractive woman who loyally served her white master and his family. She did not complain and she appeared to always be happy, until she went home to her own family. In her own family she was viewed as the controller of males and one who angrily punished her children. The Mammy caricature was nothing like the real mammy, who was actually very pretty and attractive. She was only depicted as fat and ugly, so the she would not appear to be a threat to the white women; who at that time was the only females thought of as beautiful. Just like the Mammy caricature, the Uncle Tom caricature was also perceived as a person who enjoyed working for the white people. He was always seen smiling while playing with the white children, and so helpful to his master. The Mammy and Uncle Tom were never revealed as unhappy people, so people assumed that they were content with being slaves. The Mammy and Uncle Tom figures were not the only people that appeared to be enjoying slavery, but all other slaves seemed to be satisfied with it as well. The images that were being shown all showed the slaves singing and dancing, and smiling but none of those images showed the hardships that slaves faced. Only the positive images were shown to make the outside world believe slavery was okay, and that no harm could come from having slaves. One dance the slaves danced was called the Jim Crow, it was a dance symbolized the way African Americans felt about segregation. The dance was not meant to be any racist term, but yet when the white man came and imitated the dance was when Jim Crow term began a racist statement and when the Jim Crow character was created. A white man named Rice one day so a black man dancing, so he decided to mock this man’s dancing. So Rice put black paint on his face and white paint around his mouth, so he appeared to be a black man impersonating other black people. The use of black paint became known as black face. Black face became the most popular form of entertainment for people to watch. People thought it was funny to watch a white man pretend to be black. Black face became so popular that even black men started participating in black face entertainment. These black men would put black paint on their face even though their faces were already dark, and prance around the stage mimicking their own people. They used black face as a way to make a little extra money since they were not getting enough from the white people. It was not until after slavery ended that these cartoon caricatures started to represent bad images of black people. No longer did the images show slaves as happy people, but instead it depicted African Americans as angry, violent people. Those images were used to conclude that black people were actually better off as slaves, instead of free people. The Pickaninny caricature was a representation of the black children. These kids appeared to be savage like by showing them with no shoes on, and the children were eating by alligators. When people saw these images of the children thought the children were like animals that belonged in the jungle, instead of a part of society. Then there was the Brutal Black Buck caricature that made black people become indentified as brutes. These brutes were savage people who could use any sort of violence to get what they wanted all of people. When different movies were being created, it showed black man looking for a white woman, who was a virgin to raped and abuse. When people kept seeing images like that they started to believe that black people were angry savages; savages not meant to fit in with the rest of society. All of these different caricatures were a representation of all black people. Even though these caricatures were nothing like black people, the rest of society believed these caricatures were an accurate representation of black people. They expected all people of color to act the way those cartoon caricatures did. When people see the happy caricatures that existed during slavery, then to watch the brutal caricatures after slavery ended, they begin to wonder if the abolishment of slavery was really necessary. They start to assume African Americans were the happiest during slavery, so why not resort back to that old tradition.
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